I’ve lost _________________.

This has been Bill’s mantra since he arrived. We all occasionally misplace or out and out lose things. I’m on year two of trying to locate a certain bracelet that I distinctly remember taking off in the kitchen…..and then nothing. I’m still convinced it will show up someday, and I’ll be stunned when I finally remember where I actually put it. But it seems that Bill is going for a record in the category of “lost stuff”.

We had a few basketballs in our garage, and he wanted an outside ball; he purchased a new on for indoor use only when he first arrived. He promptly lost the first outside ball….somewhere. I didn’t even attempt to try and find it. It was old, we didn’t mind, he was new, he had no track record with us. He lost the second one a month later, and since he had no recollection the last place he saw it, the ball joined its friend…..somewhere.

Then there was his school jacket. They have to purchase uniform clothing at his school. He lost the fleece, and bought a new one. Which he promptly lost. He claimed he found it, but honestly, I think he just he helped himself to one from the lost and found bin at school; this one seems a bit large on him. I didn’t question its existence.

He lost his new basketball, but found it in one of the gyms he was playing in a day later. And my suggestion of writing his name on it with a Sharpie was met with a look of disdain.

He bought new ear buds to replace the ones he lost on the plane from China. They survived a week before joining the rest of his items in lost limbo.

He came to my husband and said he lost $1,000 from his room. This was a bit more serious.

I hope you’re not implying we went in your room and took your money?
This from my husband.

No, well, I guess not…. I mean, no. But it’s gone. This from Bill.

My husband told him to search his room, dig through the drawers, look in the closet, any place he may have hidden it. Bill did not mention this little development to me.

The next night before dinner, Bill was whispering to my husband, who replied, I think it’s time we involved Mrs. X.

Of course I ready knew about the alleged missing cash, but I let Bill explain the situation to me.

I listened carefully and then got up to get a paper and pen.

Bill, how much did you pay for the basketball team registration? (he gave me cash to cover his costs).  $180.

and how much did you pay for the new fleece jacket to replace the one you lost? You told me you paid cash? $90

Didn’t you recently go to Dick’s and buy another basketball, and a sports bag? $75

And when we went to visit son #2 at college, and you went, didn’t you pay cash for your hotel room? (agency rules indicate he cannot stay in the same hotel room with an adult, so if he wishes to accompany us, he must pay for his own room). $125

And you won’t let me make you lunch, so you buy your lunch at school every day. How much is your lunch? $10 a day? So that’s about 50 school days up to now?


I sighed.

Bill, how much money do you have in your wallet right now?

He produced a wrinkled wad of a few fives and a bunch of singles. About $30.

That make $1,000 Bill. There is your missing money.

He gave us that blank, open-mouthed stare he’s famous for.

I guess I need to get more money. I can use my Visa gold card for now, he informed us. Apparently he would be contacting his money source in China….Who showed up at our house 2 days later in the form of his agent, presumably with a bag for cash for Bill.

I wish I had bags of cash show up when I ran out!

He lost 2 school text books. He didn’t even bother to look for them, just ordered more.

He received a new I-Phone when he went home to China over Christmas, since he was originally sent to America without a phone.  He was not back here 3 days, when he came home from school and said he’d lost it and it must be in the house.  Son #1 was still here for Christmas break, and being the voice of reason, assured Bill that the phone could not possibly be in the house, since he walked in and said it was gone, and had texted us from school that day. He took Bill back to school to check his locker, check lost and found, check the gym. No luck.

He didn’t have “find a phone”, but I attempted to call him. No answer.

That night, during dinner, my cell phone rang. I only answered it because our daughter wasn’t home, and I always think it could be the kid that wasn’t with us at the time, desperate to get a hold of us.

It was a strange woman, wanting to know my address because she found my phone….  I asked where she was, and she informed me, Chicago. How had Bill’s phone made it to the City?

Turns out, he dropped it in the middle of our street and the Fed Ex man found it, brought it home since everything was in Chinese. When I called it, my name came up in English and they returned the call! This forced an impromptu drive to collect the phone. The man was extremely gracious, and would not accept a monetary reward. Bill informed us on the way home this was his mother’s old Iphone, because he had lost 2 other phones in China before he came to America.

Next it was his basketball, again, and a jacket left at an outdoor park. I drove him back to the park the next day and couldn’t believe there were both still sitting there! He hopped out of the car, scooped them up and returned without comment. It’s like he expects his things to be there waiting for him.

He tried out for a travel basketball team (did not make it) and left his prescription sports goggles and basketball at the church where the try outs took place, two towns away. When he realized this the next day, he said he’d Uber over there to get them after school.  I explained that the church was being used for tryouts and that chances are the items left behind would be locked up, or the coach in charge would have taken them. Can you believe it? He goes over there and returns triumph. Amazing. We can’t believe the luck of this kid…..

He’s a typical boy that clearly gets annoyed when I ask him if he has his homework when we leave for school in the morning, or if he has remembered his wallet if he’s planning on going out. Apparently his track record is not something he considers.

The other day, I picked him up from school, when he stayed after to ask a teacher for some help, and do homework until I arrived. When he was almost to the car, I just shook my head and rolled down the window.

Bill, where’s your backpack? 

He stopped and gave me a questioning look, like I’m the crazy one for asking….. Then he feels behind his shoulder blades.

I dunno… it must be in school somewhere…… and trudges back toward the school.

Maybe we should take bets on what the next missing item will be???